Here is another one of the little side recipe/quote/stories I found while working on the recipes today. This one goes out to Moms everywhere. Each and every woman who is a mom deserves to be treated special every day. A slice of a love cake will do just that.
A Love Cake for Mom:
1 can of “Obedience”
3 pounds of “Affection”
Some holiday, birthday and everyday “Surprises”
1 can of “Running Errands”, (the Willing brand is the best)
I box powdered “Get Up When I Should”
1 bottle of “Keep Sunny All Day Long”
1 can of pure “Thoughtfulness”
Mix well.
Bake in a hearty warm oven and server to Mother every day.
The bigger the slice the better!
Everyone should serve their Mom a slice of Love Cake every day!